Winter HVAC Maintenance Guide

Jan 21, 2020

Winter is here, and with it soon the frigid, blustery weather that we all have come to expect from an Ohio winter. Don’t risk having issues with your heating system when the weather starts to sink its icy claws in. Here we offer our winter HVAC maintenance guide to help you rest assured that your furnace will keep you and your home warm and comfortable all season long:


1. Upgrade your thermostat

Your thermostat is an integral part of your HVAC system. Save energy and money by setting it at a lower temperature at specific times, such as at night when everyone is warm in bed, and during the day when no one is at home. Increase the temperature a bit when everyone is home. In order to help your system to perform at its best, install a programmable thermostat. The more up-to-date and technologically advanced thermostats are programmable from anywhere with the use of a free app that is downloaded onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other device. Your home will stay at the perfect temperature all the time, and you will save money on your energy bills. 

2. Protect the outdoor part of your HVAC system 

When the air conditioner isn’t running, it can be easy to forget all about the portion of your HVAC system that is located outside your home. However, this is an important part of your entire HVAC system, and it needs a little extra TLC since it is outside and exposed to the weather and the elements all year long. This leaves it even more susceptible to severe damage. Invest in a sturdy, weatherproof unit cover for your outdoor HVAC component and cover it when you are finished using the air conditioner for the year. You can find unit covers at most hardware and home improvement stores. Your HVAC unit won’t be damaged or clogged by debris or by exposure to rain, snow, ice, etc. 

3. Adequately insulate your home

Another essential HVAC point that many people don’t realize is the important role the insulation in your home plays when it comes to the effectiveness of your heating and cooling system. Adequate insulation is absolutely necessary to ensure your system’s ability to maintain your home’s comfort in all weather conditions. Naturally, the insulation isn’t in direct contact with your HVAC system, but it is an instrumental part of the process of heating and cooling your home. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that there is a proper amount of insulation in your attic to maintain the correct temperature in your home at all times. Call New Albany Heating & Cooling 614-636-5002 to have one of our trained HVAC technicians check the insulation in your home. If more insulation is needed or if the existing insulation requires replacement, we can help with the process.

4. Always keep a clean air filter in your furnace

Every year, without fail, replace the air filter in your furnace. Even if you took the time to change it at the end of the previous cold-weather season, it might need to be done again, just to be certain you’re starting out this season with a completely clean filter. If there is any dirt whatsoever in it, change it again. A new air filter is inexpensive, and a good quality one generally lasts through the season. It is still necessary to check at least once a month through the cold-weather months and change it whenever it collects dirt. Maintaining the air filter is one of the easiest and most effective ways to take care of your HVAC system and keep it in good working order. If the filter gets clogged, air will be unable to flow through. Your furnace will become overworked and possibly overheated as it tries to force air through the clogged filter. This can cause serious damage to your HVAC system. A simple DIY maintenance tip like replacing the air filter will go a long way in helping your furnace perform at optimum levels. 

5. Have a yearly HVAC inspection and cleaning

Before winter weather descends, schedule an annual HVAC inspection and cleaning by a certified HVAC specialist. An inspection will turn up any issues or anything that could become an issue if not corrected right away. A comprehensive professional inspection will include cleaning of all components, including ductwork and airways. Dust and debris that has accumulated throughout your system during the months it hasn’t been in use will cause an unpleasant odor as it burns off when your furnace is turned on for the first time of the season. A professional cleaning will prevent this. 


New Albany Heating & Cooling is always here to make sure your home is winter-weather ready. Call us at (614) 636-5002 or visit us online at https://newalbanyheatingcooling.comschedule-now/ to schedule an appointment for your professional HVAC inspection and cleaning today, or for answers to any questions you may have. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.