Heating Tips for Holiday Parties

Dec 10, 2019

It’s officially the holiday party season. Time to enjoy festive get-togethers with family and friends. If you are planning on hosting a party, you will want to make sure that your home is perfectly warm and comfortable for all your guests. Here are some helpful heating tips for creating the perfect atmosphere for your holiday party: 


Block Off Rooms that Won’t Be Used 

Your party will likely be centered around a specific area in your home. The dining room, living room/family room, kitchen, etc., will likely be included. These are the rooms you will want to focus on when it comes to atmosphere. Close off any rooms that will not be occupied during the party. This will serve two purposes: it will help direct heat and warmth into the areas where your guests are gathered, and it will also discourage guests from wandering around in areas you may want to be kept private. 

Change the Air Filter 

The day before your event change your furnace’s air filter. Even if it has recently been changed or it doesn’t appear to need to be changed, do so anyway. This will guarantee that the air circulating throughout your home will be clean and pollutant-free. It will give you peace of mind knowing that not only is your home warm and welcoming, but the air inside is also healthy and fresh. 

Wash Off Air Vents and Check for Blockage 

The day before your party clean the heating grates and air vents throughout your home with warm water and disinfectant cleaner. At the same time, check to make sure all air vents are open and not blocked by curtains, furniture, etc. This will keep the warm air flowing freely, and you won’t have to worry about guests noticing embarrassing dust or other debris that may have settled on the vents or throughout your home from your furnace. 

Treat Your Guests to a Festive Fire 

What better way to set the mood for a memorable holiday event than with a warm, crackling fire dancing and your fireplace? Not only does it make a beautiful focal point, but it will also provide the perfect amount of warmth for the entire room. On the day of your event, check to make sure that your fireplace and the area around it are clean. Set up everything that will be needed to keep the fire going throughout the evening. Be sure to have a protective screen in place for safety. 

Use Humidifiers to Hold Onto Heat 

Not only will humidifiers create a comfortable and safe breathing environment since they help to kill bacteria in the air, but they also add the perfect amount of moisture to the air to help it retain heat and keep your home warm. Place small humidifiers throughout your home or consider purchasing a house humidifier. They will serve your family well long after your holiday event is over. 

Decrease the Heat Why You Party Prep 

While you are getting everything ready for your holiday get together, take advantage of the warmth you will be generating and turn down your thermostat. Once everything is finished, and you are ready to set the mood for the event, you can turn the thermostat back up to help your home reach the perfect temperature. If you have employed a few of our helpful tips, you can still set your thermostat a bit lower than usual. 

Put Your Ceiling Fans to Work 

Ceiling fans aren’t just for use in cooling your home during warm weather. Change the setting on your ceiling fans to “Reverse”. This will allow them to redirect the heat back down and circulate it around the room. Hot air rises, and by setting your fans on “Reverse”, they can distribute the warm air without cooling it down. This will also allow you to turn your thermostat down a few degrees since the ceiling fans will make sure the warm air is circulated throughout your home. 

Use Strategically Placed Space Heaters 

Use small, carefully placed space heaters for added warmth in larger rooms. Put them in discreet places where they can provide adequate heat, such as in small areas where groups of people may gather away from the main crowd to chat. Always remember to cheap space heaters free and clear on every side by at least three feet. Keep them out of walkways and high traffic areas, and make sure their cords do not reach into any walkways where they could result in an accident. 

Have Your HVAC System Cleaned and Inspected 

If you have not already done so as part of your annual maintenance plan, contact an HVAC technician, and have your system professionally inspected and cleaned. This will not only ensure that it is in good working order for your holiday party, but it will also guarantee that your system is ready to provide you and your family with warmth throughout the cold weather season.


At New Albany Heating and Cooling, our trained and certified technicians are waiting to serve you. Give us a call at 614-636-5002 or visit our website at https://newalbanyheatingcooling.comschedule-now/ to schedule your professional HVAC inspection and cleaning right away, before cold weather descends and turns everything into a beautiful, but freezing, winter Wonderland.