New Albany Heating & Cooling Blogs

Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Your Home

Indoor Air Quality Solutions for Your Home

Have you ever wondered just how clean the air inside your home really is? Well, you'd better sit down because testing has shown that the air outside is often cleaner than the air inside our homes! Not sure how that's even possible? Let's take a look at some of the...

Why is My Furnace Leaking?

Why is My Furnace Leaking?

When you get ready to fire up your furnace for the season, take a minute or two to look it over and check the area around it. If you notice wet areas on or around your furnace, you may have a water leak. Before you turn on your heating system for the first time this...

Halloween Heating Tips for Homeowners

Halloween Heating Tips for Homeowners

It’s almost Halloween, and that chill you feel when you’re curled up in front of the television should be coming from the scary movie, not from the frigid Fall air that keeps finding its way into your home. Here are some heating tips, courtesy of New Albany Heating...

Let’s Talk About Gas Furnace Safety

Let’s Talk About Gas Furnace Safety

Important Gas Furnace Guidelines The winter months are coming, meaning that soon it will be time to turn on our furnaces to make our homes cozy and warm. Of course, it is also important to make sure our furnaces are winter-ready, safe, and in good working order. That...

Scared of High Energy and Gas Bills? Here are Some Helpful Tips

Scared of High Energy and Gas Bills? Here are Some Helpful Tips

Tips to Help You Save Fall has finally arrived. Time to start thinking about the cooler weather that is just around the corner and how you can get your home prepared to keep you warm and cozy without the fear of outrageously high-energy bills. Along with wasting...

How Does Air Conditioning Work?

How Does Air Conditioning Work?

Although central air conditioners differ from system to system, they all work on similar principles. In this guide, we will address how central air conditioners work, as well as potential problems you may encounter. Included among the components that make up a central...

Get Your AC Tuned for Summer Before the Busy Season Arrives

Get Your AC Tuned for Summer Before the Busy Season Arrives

When's the ideal time to get your AC ready for the summer heat? Right NOW! We know the story: on February 2, the groundhog (actually groundhogs -- both Punxsutawney Phil and Buckeye Chuck) saw his shadow, indicating there would be six more weeks of winter. If you've...

Time to Get the Air Conditioner in Optimal Shape for Summer Months

Time to Get the Air Conditioner in Optimal Shape for Summer Months

The summer heat has yet to arrive. The hottest days will be here before you know it. Do you think your air conditioning system will cool as effectively as it did in 2017? Will your first summer season energy bill be more or less as compared to last year? The answer to...